June 21, 2017 Archive June 2017

Former Commish Michael Copps: "Maybe the worst FCC I’ve ever seen"

Desert basins could hold "missing" carbon sinks

How U.S. gun control compares to the rest of the world

Jeff Sessions' ideas about crime are totally wrong — and the consequences can be tragic

Karen Handel beats Jon Ossoff in Georgia: A major setback for Democrats?

Qatar et al.: Donald Trump as a Saudi lobbyist

A psychedelic spin on “national security”

Jon Ossoff's loss in Georgia came with a hefty price tag

Don't forget about Michael Flynn: Trump's pal remains at the center of the Russia probe and looks worse all the time

Stephen Colbert pleads with Sean Spicer to remain as White House press secretary

Uber founder Travis Kalanick resigns as CEO amid scandals

Democrats also lost a special election in South Carolina Tuesday

Senate Republicans are complaining about their party's secret health care bill

Only 58 percent of eligible voters turned out for the Georgia special election

"Downton Abbey" movie may start production in 2018: Report

40 seconds to death: The horrifying truth of Philando Castile's killing

New "Watchmen" TV series in development at HBO

"Star Wars" directors for upcoming Han Solo standalone film reportedly fired

Queen Elizabeth snubs Donald Trump in speech to Parliament

"Julius Caesar" stage crasher nets financial windfall

LISTEN: Trump voters will stand by their man

WATCH: Why Trump fans won't dump him now

No regrets for Trump voters: The media needs to stop looking for buyer's remorse

The second trailer "Game of Thrones" season 7 is as cold as ice

Donald Trump admitted in 2007 that he had invested in Russia

Fixing a toxic culture like Uber’s requires more than just a new CEO

Donald Trump is worth less than he was last year, but it has nothing to do with him

FBI: Alexandria shooter acted alone

Jon Ossoff's campaign played nice — and Republican attack ads knocked him out

Trevor Noah claims he's been stopped by cops 8 to 10 times in 6 years

Corey Lewandowski is ready to cash his Trump check: Former campaign manager close to reaching six-figure book deal

Scott Pruitt to eliminate 8 percent of Environmental Protection Agency workforce by September

Sean Hannity sounds the alarm, says there is a "soft coup" to "overturn November's election results"

"Landline" review: '90s nostalgia with a side of modern messiness

"GLOW": The real good girls revolt

Power in the absence of money