Stephen Colbert pleads with Sean Spicer to remain as White House press secretary

Although press access has waned in recent weeks, Colbert still finds value with Spicer running the press briefings

Published June 21, 2017 8:18AM (EDT)


Stephen Colbert practically begged White House press secretary Sean Spicer to remain in his role Tuesday night, fearing that President Trump's spokesman may leave and take all the funny material him.

The host of CBS's "The Late Show" read a headline from earlier this week that claimed Spicer's days as the press secretary are coming to an end.

"What? When?" Colbert asked. "Sean, I have so many questions. If you go, who would not answer them?"

Colbert noted that the daily press briefings in the White House have undergone some changes in recent weeks.

"At yesterday's press briefing, not only did Spicer not allow cameras, he also prohibited audio recordings," Colbert informed his audience. "That's a big change from his usual press briefing, where only information is prohibited."

At Monday's press briefing, Spicer was asked why the Trump administration preferred off-camera gaggles with the media. Spicer responded by saying that there were days when they decide that the president's voice should be speaking for the administration.

Colbert could not compute that answer.

"You're whole job is speaking for the administration," the comedian said Tuesday night. "That's like Chef Boyardee saying, 'There are days when we decided that people should make their own canned ravioli.'"

As of this week, reports indicated that Sean Spicer has reached out to candidates to replace him. A short list supposedly includes Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham and Daily Mail editor David Martosko.

"Both are excellent choices," Colbert said. "Because asked about the job by reporters, Laura Ingraham declined to comment and in a phone call, Martosko said, 'I can't hear you,' and then hung up."

"When asked to comment in person, Martosko said, 'I can't see you,' and ran into traffic," Colbert joked.

By Taylor Link

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