April 12, 2017 Archive April 2017

"A doctor with troubled past": Kentucky newspaper defends salacious story about passenger violently ejected from United Airlines flight

Donald Trump's pledge to "create jobs" by eliminating regulations won't create jobs

Happy Passover, I guess: Twitter roasts Sean Spicer for ridiculous comments on Hitler and "Holocaust centers"

WATCH: "House of Cards," "Homeland" prove that Elizabeth Marvel only gets better with time

Royal Jordanian Airlines comes for United: "Dragging is strictly prohibited"

Here's what Netflix did to reach 90 million worldwide subscribers

What Betsy DeVos needs to know about diversity in schools

“Going in Style” and old people behaving badly: Hollywood needs to stop treating people over 60 like idiots

Making the orange clown sad: Hassan Minhaj is perfect pick to host WHCD

U.S., Mexico, Canada join forces for 2026 World Cup bid

Republicans give America an extreme right-wing Supreme Court that will divide the country more than ever

Hollowness at its core: Donald Trump’s "measured response" misses the mark

Meet Trump's pick for "drug czar": A punisher of addicts and poor people in developing countries

"There can be no joy in such incompetence": Journalists call for Sean Spicer to be fired following "Holocaust center" comments

San Bernardino school shooting was an act of terrorism: Domestic violence is part of a larger political ideology

The butcher's bill keeps growing: Donald Trump abuses his voters — and yet they love him

President Trump's vacations already set to surpass Obama's total travel expenses

Hate crime law results? Few convictions and lots of disappointment

Robert Reich: Trump voters realize the hard way that the president can't follow through

Donald Trump is coming for your Social Security: How the GOP plans a bait and switch to cut taxes — and pensions

WATCH: Rachel Maddow blasts White House press secretary Sean Spicer for a "transfixing series of blunders"

Bill O'Reilly's no-job zone: The Fox News blowhard is taking a vacation from his show, but may never return

More proof that ex-Trump campaign aides have worked on behalf of foreign interests

The messy truth of Abortion: One HBO series takes a look at America's abortion divide

President Donald Trump is backtracking from his support of Steve Bannon

The red scare in Kansas: Republican Ron Estes survives 20-point Democratic swing in 7-point win

War in the Gulf (No, not that Gulf!)

Daily Mail gets Trumped: Melania settles libel suit for $2.9 million

"There's no comparing atrocities": Sean Spicer apologizes for "letting the president down" with his bogus Hitler analogy

Avoiding a quagmire in Syria: Why can’t Donald Trump just take out Assad?

Is Donald Trump seriously getting tough on Vladimir Putin? No one seems to know

White House loses it over sanctuary cities: Team Trump threatens a government shutdown

LISTEN: P.J. O'Rourke looks ahead to the GOP's "big defeat"

Donald Trump recounts eating "the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake" with Xi Jinping while launching missiles "heading to Iraq"

Reporters, it’s time to investigate Betsy DeVos’ Department of Education

United CEO apologizes for violently dragging passenger off plane: "This will never happen again on a United Airlines flight"

Mick Mulvaney: I told Donald Trump to cut the Appalachian Regional Commission, even though he "didn't know what it did"

"It's not too late" to fire James Comey: President Trump hints he may still boot FBI director

WATCH: 5 reasons Maxine Waters should be our next president

Susan Rice was in the right, and Devin Nunes was oh so wrong: Report

Ivanka’s fall from grace: Only 21 percent of young women approve of the First Daughter

"In the perfect world, my self-portrait would be a picture of my ass": The artist Maurizio Cattelan speaks with Salon

Sean Spicer's Holocaust comments were no gaffe: Trump's administration is a fountainhead of bigotry and ignorance

Not even Alex Jones is able to defend Sean Spicer's "historically ignorant" comments about "Holocaust centers"

President Trump lifts federal hiring freeze, orders agencies to make "surgical" cuts and “maximize employee performance”