March 02, 2016 Archive March 2016

GOP voters are playing right into Trump's scheme: CBS chief Les Moonves explains how the Donald's cynical con job is working perfectly

Stress from discrimination might be causing a widening "black-white sleep gap"

Stop poll-shaming Trump voters: Mocking survey results won't change minds—or the election

"The final delegate was assigned by drawing cards": Inside the absurd, headscratching mess of the Nevada caucus

"This is the party of Lincoln": Watch Speaker Paul Ryan call out Trump on KKK connection

Debate's on for Trump: The Donald will "definitely" be at Fox News debate Thursday, spokeswoman says

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz joins hands with GOP in assault on Elizabeth Warren's consumer protection agency

Conviction upheld for Mainer who was denied right to lawyer

"I don’t want to get Ghomeshi'd": Sexual assault trial gets the Carrie Bradshaw treatment — by the paper that helped break the story

10 reasons Marco Rubio is no moderate

Ross Douthat's pathetic Trump evasion: The NYT columnist attempts to pin the blame on Obama — and fails spectacularly

Sorry, Marco Rubio: Penis jokes only make the teller look small

Hello. It's me. Now quit using my songs for your racist, Islamophobic message, Mr. Trump!

The real story about Syria and Libya: Behind a new agreement with Moscow, and the insidious way the New York Times protects Hillary

"It’s really terrifying": Lizz Winstead on stealth antiabortion laws and fighting politicians in "their last grasp of hanging on to unearned power"

Super Tuesday live coverage: Trump declares victory as Cruz nabs two states and Rubio finally gets a win; Clinton dominates in the South, surprises Sanders in Massachusetts

"By the end of tonight, we are going to win many hundreds of delegates": Bernie Sanders reminds voters that Super Tuesday is not "winner-take-all"

Samantha Bee's wake-up call to the left: “Full Frontal” is a desperately needed slap in the face

Thanks, America! Our broken political system is about to give us a terrifying campaign between a vapid huckster and a war hawk

Marco Rubio giving early glimmer of hope to GOP Twitter faithful horrified by prospect of Donald Trump nomination

A Super Tuesday game-changer? "At least one" incumbent GOP senator will endorse Clinton if Trump wins the nomination: Chuck Todd

"Has anyone called his campaign a Trumpster fire yet?": Despite some early hope, it turns out Marco Rubio's the only one who still thinks he can win

Melissa Harris-Perry tears into MSNBC's "culture of fear" on Twitter

Human sad-trombone Chris Christie introduces Donald Trump with the lowest energy "victory" speech in American political history

Hillary Clinton's commanding Super Tuesday victory: Bernie Sanders stays alive but has slim path to nomination

"Pass the Scotch": Pundits, celebs weigh in on Donald Trump's "yuuge" Super Tuesday victory

"It's just gonna become worse and worse": Jubiliant Donald Trump goes hard after Hillary in Super Tuesday victory speech

Two CNN analysts nearly come to blows over Trump's disgusting race-baiting

10 ways the rest of the world is putting America to shame

Trump's rise, democracy's fall: The Donald threatens our very system of government

5 ways Bernie Sanders is leading the fight against Big Pharma's unconscionable greed

Trevor Noah on Iowa's insane arm kids with guns bill: "Beliebers vs. Directioners is gonna get a whole lot more interesting"

"The intent is to make this 5- to 10-minute abortion procedure seem dangerous": The plaintiff in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt on defending her Texas clinics all the way to the Supreme Court

Hillary's nomination is inevitable: Bernie has fought the good fight, but after Super Tuesday, the numbers just don't add up for him

The GOP's Super Tuesday nightmare: Donald Trump's on his way to the Republican nomination — and he really could be president

Stephen Colbert zaps Bernie Sanders for winning the "state of denial"

This story has been removed

Meet Vincent Rue, the man behind the pseudoscience of abortion restrictions

Donald Trump's supporters are so fanatical that now they're sending threats to other conservatives

Even critics understate how catastrophically bad the Hillary Clinton-led NATO bombing of Libya was

It's too late to stop Donald Trump: The GOP is stuck with the frontrunner from hell — and America could be too

Fox & Friends' Brian Kilmeade insists Trump can't be attacked as sexist because he had "a female foreman" in the '80s and "has females all over the place"

Failed presidential candidate Herman Cain claims evangelicals aren't single issue voters, which is why they're supporting Trump

Samantha Bee FTW: "Full Frontal" slayed these 3 topics in less than a month on the air

Marco Rubio is in denial: The establishment favorite insists his mounting losses are victories, while he pines for a contested convention

Watch a young black woman get pushed, shoved and manhandled out of a Super Tuesday Trump rally

Hillary Clinton really needs to stop talking down to young black women

Watch Fox News interrupt Karl Rove's failed election prediction to announce Trump's win

This is what happens when Donald Trump catches you wearing a "KKK endorses Trump" t-shirt to his rally

The Ku Klux Klan has taken over the election cycle: Most groups only dream of this kind of media exposure

Donald Trump rattles our foundation: Can the people be trusted with democracy?

Blaming Democrats for the KKK: Van Jones fights back against Trump's racist support, but he can't win

Trump's KKK connection was no flap, it's a campaign tactic: A notorious white nationalist radio show host was just granted press credentials

Time off for cramps: Can we make period workplace policies that are fair to women?

Cop and 2 family members arrested for stabbing Arab teen in California, allegedly for speaking Arabic

How to win the post-Super Tuesday revolution: Where Bernie Sanders & the American Left go from here

Marco Rubio is out of excuses: A feeble Super Tuesday leaves the GOP establishment favorite on the brink