May 20, 2015 Archive May 2015

Big coal's "insulting" PR spin: Company claims dirty energy could have solved the Ebola crisis

Senator doesn't know who he trusts more on Iran deal: Obama or Ayatollah Khamenei

Right now: Bill Murray's insane walk down Broadway, covered in ... cake?

Business Highlights

"Morrissey's hair, bongs made of apples, MTV's 120 Minutes": Inside this month's hottest new books

How "The Best Show" keeps us calling in for more: "Some people think getting hung up on is an honor"

George Michael made me go wild: How "Faith" changed a gay, Southern, Gen-X teen's life

John Kerry admits defeat: The Ukraine story the media won't tell, and why U.S. retreat is a good thing

Ted Cruz goes full Ted Cruz: "Is there something about the left that is obsessed with sex?"

Expert panel criticizes medical care at Illinois prisons

The "secret" to female ejaculation: How all women can experience it

Robert Reich: Small-business Republicans are fed up with their party

The Civil War never ended: Baltimore, Ferguson and the ghosts of the Confederacy

UN chief says North Korea cancels invitation to visit

Bill O'Reilly's all-American paranoia: What's really behind his religion-infused doomsaying

David Letterman's secret weapon: How being TV's biggest grump made (and maybe even saved) his career

White America's Waco insanity: The shocking realities it ignores about racism & violence

China's impact looms large as US debates its own trade deals

Vote for me or you'll all die: GOP candidates wallow in the politics of fear

Is being a critic of Israeli state policies the same as being an anti-Semite?

Let's revisit that time David Letterman lost his cool and told a guest to "shut the f*ck up"

EXCLUSIVE: R.E.M.'s Mike Mills remembers band's David Letterman appearances, how he broke the news of his retirement

Bill O’Reilly: President Hillary will destroy all that is good about America -- so the GOP must cut taxes now

George W. Bush's CIA briefer admits Iraq WMD "intelligence" was a lie

Bill Murray bursts out of a cake for David Letterman — then gives slurring, stumbling MSNBC interview

Former Obama aide to Megyn Kelly: "Cloud of corruption” only follows Hillary Clinton around on Fox News

Supersized wind turbines are about to take over America

The 10 best Letterman guest farewells: "I say in truth, I love you"

Bob Dylan recoils from David Letterman: The bizarre, final performance on "Late Show"

Rachel Maddow: The GOP is sounding its own death knell by supporting unpopular governors for president

The other "1 percent": A guide to the racist, sexist bikers who fatally clashed in Waco

David Letterman and Robin Williams: 6 amazing clips that make us miss the best talk-show guest ever

The media's Hillary Clinton problem: It's very simple -- the media is annoying

The Flash vs. Daredevil: Who's the best new superhero on TV?

O’Reilly on Waco bike gang murders: Here’s everything that’s wrong with how the media covers race and violence

Ted Cruz: Gay people should stop demanding equal rights because ISIS would murder them

Ted Cruz's most hilarious talking point yet: Democrats are devoted to "mandatory gay marriage"

An anti-LGBT pastor's Grindr outing: The church's hypocrisy and denial are the real sins

Amy Schumer rips loony anti-vaxxer parents: I followed Jenny McCarthy's advice and got my dog a cat

How Alex Jones' deranged Jade Helm conspiracy became an unstoppable monster

Sexy "dad bods" are not progress: Fetishizing beer bellies only fat-shames others

When Hollywood sold America on evil: Stunning PBS Frontline doc reveals the depths of CIA propaganda

Columbia University president refuses graduation handshake with anti-rape activist Emma Sulkowicz

“Who should we contact in case you become a martyr?” and other actual questions from al Qaeda's HR department

Google Maps apologizes for racist slur in search results for Obama White House

"Dave was a true revolution": Late night hosts pay tribute to Letterman

Seth Meyers' brilliant homage to David Letterman -- a scene-by-scene reenactment of the opening credits

Jesse Eisenberg learns zero lessons from Adam Sandler fiasco: "Two Dogs could do a great rain dance"

David Letterman's amazing super-cut of every Bill Murray appearance: Everything you need to see in 120 seconds

Immigrants are like ISIS!: The myth and reality of libertarian populist Dave Brat

The greatest hoax? Not by a long shot: Climate denial school takes on the conspiracy theorists

Texas college bans student athletes from having same-sex relationships -- or publicly supporting marriage equality

Rev. Matthew Hagee: Waco shootout between rival biker gangs is a sign the End Times are upon us

National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest Entries

4 ways Texas treats murderous biker gangs better than women

Jindal's desperate hypocrisy: By his own standard, Louisiana's governor is an arrogant, lawless cynic

"Pretty little liars": Despicable NYC flyer campaign targets Lena Dunham & Columbia anti-rape activist

2015 National Geographic photo contest reveals breathtaking images from all over the world

Amy Schumer skewers street harassment and our cultural obsession with butts

Report: Josh Duggar named in underage sexual abuse investigation -- after his father turned him in

David Letterman's 1987 opening montage has an eerie World Trade Center cameo

Ben Stein opposes "free college" movement: For poor kids, it's just a chance to get high for four years!

Notre Dame's bogus birth control challenge smacked down: Federal court rejects university's bizarre claim

Teacher suspended after yelling threats, racial slur at 11-year-old