As COVID-19 cases surge in Texas, Ted Cruz slams vaccine mandates on Sean Hannity's Fox News program

The healthcare system in Texas is currently in crisis as the Delta variant of COVID-19 surges through the state

Published August 10, 2021 6:30AM (EDT)

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks during U.S. Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland's confirmation hearing  (Demetrius Freeman-Pool/Getty Images)
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks during U.S. Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland's confirmation hearing (Demetrius Freeman-Pool/Getty Images)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


The healthcare system in Texas is in crisis as the Delta variant of COVID-19 surges through the state.

On Monday, Gov. Greg Abbott announced the state would attempt to hire out-of-state medical personnel and would ask hospitals to delay so-called elective surgeries.

Later that same day, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tx., appeared on Sean Hannity's Fox News show to argue against public health measures.

"There should be no mandates — zero — concerning COVID," Cruz said. "That means no mask mandates, regardless of your vaccination status, that means no vaccine mandates, that means no vaccine passports."

The senator said he would be introducing three pieces of legislation to block vaccine passports, vaccine mandates, and mask mandates nationwide.

Even though Texas's hospital system is struggling to keep up with the surge in COVID-19 patients, Abbott so far has given no indication that he will roll back his bans on mask mandates or vaccination mandates.

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By Bob Brigham

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