Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani unloads on "backstabber" John Bolton: "He’s a liar"

Giuliani publicly bemoans the fact that he and Bolton used to be friends before he was allegedly betrayed

Published February 1, 2020 4:00AM (EST)

Rudy Giuliani (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
Rudy Giuliani (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

This article originally appeared on Raw Story


Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani on Friday delivered an angry tweet attacking former Trump national security adviser John Bolton after an explosive new report claimed that the president had ordered Bolton to push the Ukrainian government to help Giuliani dig up dirt on his political opponents.

In his tweet, a bitter Giuliani bemoaned the fact that he and Bolton used to be friends before Bolton supposedly betrayed him.

"I considered John Bolton a friend," the former New York mayor wrote. "During my investigation, uncovering massive Democrat corruption in Ukraine, he never "complained" to me. Now he says he did to Pompeo. If he did, he's a BACKSTABBER. If he didn't he's a LIAR."

The New York Times reported on Friday that Bolton's upcoming book claims Trump instructed him to call up Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and ask him to work with Giuliani, who was leading the effort to dig up dirt on Biden. Bolton writes that he never called Zelensky.

Bolton also writes that multiple Trump allies and officials were in the room when the president made his request, including Giuliani, chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, and attorney Pat Cipollone, who is now defending the president at his Senate impeachment trial.

By Brad Reed


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John Bolton Mike Pompeo Politics Rudy Giuliani