Roy Moore refuses to concede, says he's in a struggle "to preserve our republic"

"Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty," Moore says

By Matthew Rozsa

Staff Writer

Published December 14, 2017 7:28AM (EST)

 (Getty/Mark Wilson)
(Getty/Mark Wilson)

Not only is Roy Moore refusing to concede the Alabama Senate election to Democrat Doug Jones, the Republican election loser won't even stop campaigning.

In a video released by his campaign, Moore declared, "We are indeed in a struggle to preserve our republic, our civilization and our religion and to set free a suffering humanity. Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty. Abortion, sodomy and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

In terms of ideology, Moore's statement was sweeping, covering nearly every hot-button issue that defined his tempestuous campaign.

"We have stopped prayer in our schools. We have killed over 60 million of our unborn children. We have redefined marriage and destroyed the basis of family, which is the building block of our country. Our borders are not secure. Our economy is faltering under an enormous national debt. We have a huge drug problem. We have even begun to recognize the right of a man to claim to be a woman, and vice versa. We have allowed Judges and justices to rule over our Constitution, and we have become slaves to their tyranny. Immorality sweeps over our land," Moore told his supporters.

Moore also used the video to discuss why he wouldn't concede the election to Jones.

"In this race, we have not received the final count to include military and provisional ballots. This has been a very close race, and we are awaiting certification by the secretary of state," Moore told his supporters.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill has said it is extremely unlikely that the final count of ballots will change the result, which currently has Jones ahead by more than 20,000 votes. In order for an automatic recount to occur under Alabama law, the margin between Jones and Moore would need to be less than 0.5 percentage points. Jones' current lead, with all Election Day votes and absentee votes recorded, is about 1.5 points.

One major factor in Jones' upset victory were the actions of Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., who refused to endorse Moore after numerous accusations of sexual misconduct emerged against the former judge.

"I give the Alabama voters a lot of credit for the courage in rejecting Roy Moore's candidacy and I think Sen. Shelby deserves a lot of credit for speaking out and encouraging people to write-in a Republican candidate," said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine.

"I think it's very telling that there were more write-in ballots cast than the margin of victory," she added. President Trump also appeared to refer to that fact in his grudging tweet of congratulation to Jones on Tuesday night.

By Matthew Rozsa

Matthew Rozsa is a staff writer at Salon. He received a Master's Degree in History from Rutgers-Newark in 2012 and was awarded a science journalism fellowship from the Metcalf Institute in 2022.

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