How to explain "Coco's" lessons to your kids

This tribute to Mexican traditions and customs has some sad moments, particularly for kids who have grieved

Published December 2, 2017 8:00PM (EST)

"Coco" (Walt Disney Studios)
"Coco" (Walt Disney Studios)

This article originally appeared on Common Sense Media.

Common Sense Media

"Coco" is Pixar's vibrant, emotional film about the Day of the Dead. This tribute to Mexican traditions and customs has some sad moments, especially for those who've lost beloved relatives. But it also has powerful themes of perseverance, teamwork, and gratitude, and it encourages audiences to love and appreciate their family and to follow their dreams, all of which means there's plenty for families to talk about after watching this Common Sense Seal-honored film. Try these discussion questions for kids:

  • Families can talk about the popularity of stories about young characters who must go on a dangerous journey to find out about themselves. What does Miguel learn in Coco? How do his experiences in the Land of the Dead help him grow?
  • Talk about the movie's theme of family duty vs. personal ambition (and following your dreams). Which characters in Coco are role models, and which character strengths do they demonstrate?
  • Did you think any parts of the movie were scary? How much scary stuff can young kids handle? Who do you think is the ideal audience for this movie? Why?
  • Did you already know about the Day of the Dead? If not, what did you learn about the holiday? How does your family pay tribute to relatives and loved ones after they've passed away? Which other Mexican traditions and values does the movie promote? Which holidays, music, and other cultural traditions do you celebrate with your family?
  • Did you notice that characters speak both English and Spanish in the movie? Would you like to learn a second language? For bilingual families: Why do you think it's important/useful to speak two languages? How does that connect you with your heritage -- and your family?

By Betsy Bozdech

MORE FROM Betsy Bozdech

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