The Latest: Trump favors wider access to birth control


Published September 15, 2016 2:15PM (EDT)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the U.S. presidential race (all times EDT):

9:55 a.m.

Donald Trump says that women should be able to obtain birth control without a prescription.

The Republican presidential nominee said in an interview on "The Dr. Oz Show" that some women "just aren't in a position to go get a prescription."

He said they shouldn't have to.

Trump said: "I would say it should not be prescription."

Trump says that he remains opposed to abortion rights.

The interview was taped Wednesday and broadcast Thursday.


9:35 a.m.

Donald Trump says that, when he looks in the mirror, he sees a man much younger than his 70 years.

He said: "I would say I see a person that's 35 years old"

Trump spoke on "The Dr. Oz Show" in an interview broadcast Thursday.

Trump said that he sometimes plays golf with New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. He said that when he's with the 39-year-old Brady, "I feel I'm the same age as him. It's crazy."

Trump said that when you're running for president, "you have an obligation to be healthy" because the job requires it.


9:30 a.m.

Donald Trump says that standing at a podium, delivering his signature rally speeches, is one of the ways he stays healthy on the campaign trail.

The Republican presidential nominee says that delivering his speeches is "a really healthy act." He was appearing on "The Dr. Oz Show," in an interview that was taped Wednesday and broadcast Thursday.

Trump said giving speech is "a lot of work" and he's "using a lot of motion"

He said: "I guess that's a form of exercise?"


8:35 a.m.

Donald Trump is suggesting that, if he's elected president, he would sell some foreign assets to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

The Republican nominee was asked during a call-in with "Fox and Friends" how he would respond to potential sanctions imposed on a country that might hurt his company or hotels.

He responded that he "would absolutely get out in some form." He said: "If it's ownership, we'd have to sell."

Trump has a long list of potential conflicts of interest thanks to his dealings with foreign companies and governments.

Trump said, if elected, he would "sever connections" with his company. His adult children and executives would run it and not discuss it with him.

Other elected officials have put their assets in "blind trusts" to avoid potential


8:25 a.m.

Hillary Clinton says she won't comment on emails sent by former Secretary of State Colin Powell attacking her for "hubris."

Clinton was speaking on Tom Joyner's morning radio show.

She said: "I have a great deal of respect for Colin Powell and I have a lot of sympathy for anyone whose emails become public."

The emails were leaked to a website which has been alleged to be an outlet for hackers tied to the Russian intelligence groups.

Clinton said the email leak underscores efforts by the Russians to try to interfere with U.S. elections. She said she's "increasingly concerned" by what she called rival Donald Trump's "alarming closeness with the Kremlin." Trump has frequently praised Russian leader Vladimir Putin.


8:10 a.m.

Hillary Clinton says she wants to respond to "legitimate questions people have" about her health. Clinton says she was "touched" by the concern about her well-being.

That's what she tells the Tom Joyner radio show in a taped interview broadcast on Thursday morning.

Clinton released a letter from her doctor on Wednesday declaring her "fit to serve" as president.

She has faced criticism about a lack of transparency after not revealing that she had been diagnosed pneumonia until a video showed her stumbling after abruptly leaving a 9/11 ceremony.

Rival Donald Trump is expected to make public more information about his health on Thursday. Clinton said he's failed to "even meet the most minimalistic standards" for disclosure.


This version of the item posted at 8:10 a.m. has been corrected to delete a reference to Clinton releasing additional health information; it was based on an interview recorded with her before she released a new letter from her doctor with updated health information on Wednesday.


8 a.m.

Donald Trump says "something was up" with the Flint, Michigan pastor who interrupted him as he addressed her church on Wednesday.

Trump told "Fox and Friends" Thursday that he "got unbelievably good treatment" during his trip to the city.

But he said that "something was up" with the Rev. Faith Green Timmons, pastor of the Bethel United Methodist Church.

Trump said he "noticed she was so nervous when she introduced me." He said. "She was like a nervous mess."

Trump was interrupted and then heckled after he began to attack rival Hillary Clinton. The pastor approached him calmly to say she'd invited him to the church to thank the congregation, not give a political speech. Trump finished speaking shortly after.

Trump said: "Everyone plays their games, it doesn't bother me."


7:40 a.m.

Donald Trump says he weighs 236 pounds — making him overweight for his height.

Trump said in a phone interview with "Fox and Friends" that he is 6-foot-3 and 236 pounds — giving him a body mass index falling into the "overweight" range.

Trump discussed the results of his physical ahead of the airing Wednesday of a taped interview with TV personality "Dr. Oz."

Trump said his health is good, though he'd like to lose 15 pounds. He said his cholesterol is "quite good" and that he had "every single test" and they are good.

He said "If they were bad, I would say, let's sort of skip this, right?"

Asked about reports that he weighs more than 236, Trump joked: "ay-ay-yi, it's bad enough."


3:20 a.m.

Hillary Clinton is returning to the campaign trail following a bout of pneumonia that sidelined her for three days and revived questions about both the Democratic nominee and Republican Donald Trump's transparency regarding their health.

Clinton's campaign responded with a new letter from her doctor declaring her "fit to serve" as president and recovering well from her illness. The letter details medications she is taking, her cholesterol levels and other results from a physical exam.

Trump says he, too, plans to release details from a recent physical, though it's unclear when that will happen and how much information he will provide.

In keeping with Trump's unusual approach to transparency, he gave a one-page summary of his recent exam to Dr. Mehmet Oz while taping an episode of Oz's television show.



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