Bernie Sanders in a G-string? Thanks a whole lot, "Daily Show"

You can't unsee this image of Bernie Sanders.

Published January 27, 2016 12:24PM (EST)

If there's one thing you should prepare yourself for it's the image of Bernie Sanders doing the Anaconda dance in a G-string. That's what Trevor Noah and his crack graphics team had for Tuesday night's "Daily Show" #DemTownHall recap. It's something you can't unsee.

"Bernie Sanders spoke in detail about income inequality," Noah said, but we also got to know him on a personal level.

Then it was Martin O'Malley's turn, "to give everyone a chance to go to the bathroom," Noah joked. He said he actually liked O'Malley's sensible approach to gun control. "Yet, they still insisted on asking him questions like this," Noah said, before running a clip where Cuomo asked O'Malley who he's supporting for president, after Iowa. "Oh come on, CNN, that's heartless! You don't ask him who he wants to win after he loses! That's like asking which friend will date your wife after she leaves you!"

Hillary Clinton went last and Noah had one critique. from when Clinton talked about why young voters are supporting Sanders. What she said wasn't the problem so much as her gesture. When Clinton waved her closed hands...

Well, check out the video below, and you'll see what Noah is talking about. And beware of that Anaconda photo...

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Aol_on Bernie Sanders Daily Show #demtownhall Hillary Clinton Martin O’malley Trevor Noah