Your best combinations of beer and sausage

Apparently, people can tire of a tubesteak in a bun. Here are dishes, from pasta to stews, to rekindle the flame

Published January 25, 2011 1:30AM (EST)

Every week, your challenge is to create an eye-opening dish within our capricious themes and parameters. Blog your submission on Open Salon by Monday 10 a.m. EST -- with photos and your story behind the dish -- and we'll republish the winners on Salon on Tuesday. (It takes only 30 seconds to start a blog.) Please note that by participating, you're giving Salon permission to re-post your entry if it's chosen as a winner, and acknowledging that all words and images in your post are your own, unless explicitly stated. And yes, mashed potato sculpture counts as a dish. Emphatically.

This week, we asked for your best beer and sausage recipes.


Beer-braised sausage and kale pasta by Dave Copeland: Marrying Germany and Italy, Dave takes a classic winter post-hike warm-up of greens and sausage and cooks it down with some beer, thickens the sauce with cheese, and lets it get cozy with some pasta.


Bratwurst and beer stew by Vivian Henoch: Brats and beer are probably the national dish of Wisconsin, but when you're cheering for the Packers in January, it's going to be about 70 degrees too cold to fire up the grill. So Vivian brings them together with vegetables for a hearty stew.

Jalapeño cheese sausages by Paul Hinrichs: And for the more DIY crowd, Paul offers his personal Green Bay Packers sausage blend, bringing together the green of jalapeños and the yellow of cheddar to honor the country's only nonprofit, publicly owned pro sports franchise.


Sausage pastry rolls by Theresa Rice: For those of you looking to class up your next football party without alienating those with a taste for the traditional, here's a mixture of hot sausage, sauerkraut and a few vegetables to keep it interesting, baked in a crisp filo roll.

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While we're on this health food kick of grilled cheese, sausages and beer, we might as well complete the dude food trifecta and go for the Super Bowl Chili.

In two weeks, you know the scene. Green Bay. Pittsburgh. And gallons and gallons of spicy meat. Will there be cheese? Corn chips? Or, heaven forbid, beans? That's all up to you. So, this week, help us get ready with your best chili.

Be sure to tag your posts: SKC Chili (Please note that by participating, you're giving Salon permission to re-post your entry if it's chosen as a winner, and acknowledging that all words and images in your post are your own, unless explicitly stated. Adaptations of existing recipes are fine, but please let us know where the original comes from. And if you'd like to participate but not have your post considered for republication on Salon, please note it in the post itself. Thanks!)

Scoring and winning

Scores will be very scientific, given for appealing photos, interesting stories behind your submissions, creativity, and execution.

By Salon Staff

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