GOP spending $2 million in California Senate race

New TV ad campaign from Republican Senatorial Committee will attempt to reverse Boxer's lead in the polls

Published October 4, 2010 7:53PM (EDT)

Republicans are moving up their $2 million television ad buy in California after recent polls show Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer opening up a lead over GOP rival Carly Fiorina.

The investment from the National Republican Senatorial Committee is going to a statewide television ad campaign that tries to link excessive government spending to economic woes in California. The ad also notes Boxer's 28 years in office.

Boxer's rival is former Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina, who has never held elective office. In the primary, Fiorina spent $5.5 million of her money on the race.

Amber Marchand, spokeswoman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, said the investment reflects GOP hopes for capturing the seat.

By Kevin Freking

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