91-year-old finishes shift after being punched

Cashier refuses medical attention and goes back to work because she didn't want to be "bored"

Published March 12, 2010 8:37PM (EST)

A 91-year-old New York pharmacy cashier refused medical attention and went back to work after a thief punched her. Florence Critelli grabbed the man's hand and screamed when he reached over and grabbed cash from her cash register at the Rite Aid in East Northport on Long Island. He punched her in the chest, knocking her down, before fleeing. "He hit me good," Critelli said.

But she refused to leave work early. She said she didn't want to just "sit there and be bored."

After finishing her shift Thursday, she insisted on driving herself home.

Critelli, who has seven grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren, said if police catch the guy, she wants to "smack him."


Information from: New York Post, http://www.nypost.com

By Associated Press

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