Did taxes fell another Obama appointee?

Nancy Killefer, the president's nominee to be chief performance officer, has withdrawn; so far, the administration isn't saying why.

Published February 3, 2009 3:35PM (EST)

Nancy Killefer, President Obama's choice to become the nation's first chief performance officer, is withdrawing her candidacy for the post, the Associated Press reports.

So far, the administration isn't saying why Killefer made this decision -- she'll reportedly offer an explanation later Tuesday. But she does have some tax problems, which were revealed when the pick was first announced. Given the recent scrutiny of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, and now former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, the nominee to head Health and Human Services, it may well be that the administration decided there were only so many hits they could take on the subject.

Update: The White House just released this letter from Killefer to Obama:

Dear Mr. President,

I recognize that your agenda and the duties facing your Chief Performance Officer are urgent. I have also come to realize in the current environment that my personal tax issue of D.C. Unemployment tax could be used to create exactly the kind of distraction and delay those duties must avoid. Because of this I must reluctantly ask you to withdraw my name from consideration.

I am deeply honored to have been selected by you and you have my deep appreciation for your confidence in me. You have my heartfelt support and best wishes for success in all your endeavors.

Respectfully yours,

Nancy Killefer

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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