Election fraud in Ohio

Published October 29, 2004 11:18PM (EDT)

From WKYC, the NBC affiliate in Cleveland:

"It is an outright case of election fraud in Lake County. The phony letter says newly registered voters signed up by the Kerry or Capri Cafaro campaigns or the NAACP, their registrations are illegal and they will not be able to vote.

"'That was not authorized by the Board of Elections,' said Elections Director Jan Clair. 'It was not mailed by the Lake County Board of Elections.'

"A real board mailing would have Clairs signature. The letter was brought to election officials by Ron Colvin, a longtime registered voter and head of the Lake County NAACP.

"Sheriff Dan Dunlap is investigating. 'It will be a federal offense because you have interfered with the constitutionally protected right to vote,' he said.

"Congressional candidate Capri Cafaro says she's sure the letter came from the other side. 'So it seems to me the Republicans will stop at nothing to win and this is just another voter suppression tactic,' she said. 'I believe it came from someone with significant political motivation.'

"In a race where the mud's been flying, Cafaro's opponent, Steve LaTorette, decided to sit this one out and said he would have no comment on her charges. Whether it was Republicans, or Democrats wanting to make it look like Republicans, or some guy sitting in his pajamas at his home computer, the sheriff says from now to Election Day, ignore any message that tells you not to come out and vote."

By Mark Follman

Mark Follman is Salon's deputy news editor. Read his other articles here.

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