The Fix

Connie Chung says bye-bye, Kravitz sings with an Iraqi for peace, Capriati eats pizza with De Niro, and "American Idol" may lose a finalist to the war. Plus: Ben is learning Spanish for Jen!

Published March 26, 2003 7:24PM (EST)

We can't say we are crying over the loss of the often-inappropriate Connie Chung at CNN, effective immediately. No word on where she'll land next. She's already worked at most of the networks, except the one CNN hired her to compete with -- Fox! (Washington Post)

Lenny Kravitz has released an antiwar song called "We Want Peace" as a free download. He recorded it with Iraqi singer Kadim Al Sahir, Palestinian Simon Shaheen on strings and Lebanese percussionist Jamey Hadded. If only the United Nations worked together as well as these guys. (Soundgenerator)

Speaking of music, Jennifer Capriati requested the 1999 Outkast song "Bombs Over Baghdad" be played before her tennis match in Florida Monday. The lyrics include: "Don't pull the thang out unless you plan to bang, bombs over Baghdad ..." Capriati said, "I like the song and I wanted to support the troops." We're sure they were listening, Jen. (ESPN) Perhaps just as interesting, Capriati was spotted chowing down on pizza with Robert De Niro, Marisa Tomei and others at a hot spot in Miami. (Page Six)

"American Idol" may lose a finalist to the war. Seems Joshua Gracin is on 24-hour notice and may have to leave for Camp Pendleton any moment. If he is called for duty, producers of the show have assured Gracin that he can return to the lineup when he gets back, without going through the grueling audition again. What a relief. (LA Times)

Love knows no bounds. Ben Affleck is reportedly learning Spanish so he can speak to relatives of his intended, la bonita J.Lo. (MSNBC)

Peter Arnett, one of the media heroes in the first Gulf War, says he is taking "perverse pleasure" in competing with the cable network that canned him. He's now working for MSNBC and NBC News and offering understated advice to journalists there: "A degree of diplomatic and personal relationships get you through in a place like Baghdad." (Yahoo)

We hear women of the world weeping: Olivier Martinez (the rather attractive actor from "Unfaithful") is in love with pop darling Kylie Minogue and some are saying that he's going to pop the question. We await further details in this space ... (WENN)

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By Karen Croft

Karen Croft is the editor of Salon Sex.

MORE FROM Karen Croft

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